Optin Score
Optimise your deliverability
Do you think that your deliverability needs some improvement?
With OptinScore, we clean, qualify and evaluate the emails in your database to maximize your quality!
With OptinScore we will identify:
Your toxic email addresses (potential complaints, black-list,etc.).
Your email addresses used on mobile phone or tablet.
OptinScore will also correct:
- Your email addresses that do not conform to the RFC syntax.Or enrich the gender of your contacts(by correcting or completing your title information).
- The inversions of last name/first namein your database.The data: address, post code and town of your contacts.
Identify the TOXIC email addresses in your database (potentially generators of complaints or blacklisted).
Almost all ISPs (internet service providers) make it possible for users of their email services to lodge a complaint if they receive an email deemed to be undesirable.
If you exceed a certain volume of complaints, you are at serious risk of being "blacklisted" by the service provider.
You will then be unable to send emails to internet users of the email service of the ISP.
Using OptinScore, we will show you the email addressesin your database that are potentially generators of complaints.
Determine if an address is used on a mobile or tablet.
The behaviour of internet users varies depending on the platforms. It is important to know the platform on which the internet user checks his or her emails: • to address him or her with communications technically adapted (in a responsive format or dedicated mobile or tablet).
• to select the offers that are commercially relevant relating to the platform. Example: SMS mobile payments.
Correct the addresses of your contacts that do not conform to the RFC syntax.
It is highly probable that your database contains a certain number of emails that you have identified as bing hard bounce emails. That is to say, an email address that does not exist or that has been misspelled.
Optin Score will correct the misspelled addresses in your database. You can then sned emails to these addresses.
Correct or enrich the gender of contacts in your database.
Optin Score will verify and correct or enrich the gender of each of the contacts contained in your database.
Correct the inversions of last name/first name in your database.
Correct the block address data of your contacts: the address, the post code and the town.
Optin Score will correct and format your postal data to RNVP format (process involving restructuring, standardisation and postal validation).
With OptinScore, OptinCollect allows you to:
- Maintain your reputation and email deliverability.
- Optimise the monetisation of your email databases by qualification.